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It’s More Than Pronouns: Moving Toward a Compassionate Gender Expansive Society

with Arin Donovan (they/them), M.Ed, BCBA, LBA and Janani Vaidya (they/them), BCBA


Live Webinar - Tuesday, December 1, 2020 7:00p - 8:00p EST

Recording Now Available 


Abstract: Gender is a socially constructed concept which, historically, expands beyond the binary bounds of female/male or woman/man. The erasure and exclusion of gender non-conforming and transgender (GNCT) individuals occurred due to the evolution of the patriarchy and colonialism. This has results in a society that oppresses GCNT individuals, resulting in institutional barriers and on-going minority stress that directly impacts their health and well-being. This presentation will discuss the gender binary system that is deeply engrained into every inch of our society. Furthermore, it will discuss solutions for dismantling harmful systems of oppressions and ways to move in a toward a more compassionate, gender expansive society. 


Learning Objectives for Participants:

  • Participants will be able to identify gender as a binary, socially constructed system.
  • Participants will be able to discuss the history of gender non-conforming individuals and how erasure and exclusion has occurred over time.
  • Participants will be able to identify institutional barriers for GNCT individuals.
  • Participants will understand the health and well-being impacts of minority stress.
  • Participants will be able to discuss solutions for promoting gender expansive social norms, standards, and behaviors.


Following purchase, you will receive a digital file with the webinar syllabus and Zoom registration information. Please email with questions.

It’s More Than Pronouns: Moving Toward a Compassionate Gender Expansive Society

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